Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Angry Elephant (#68)

I admittedly have a bit of a temper problem. I do not get mad often, but when I do, watch out. I spit lava and my word choices are brash at best. I have imagined during a time of intense anger, what I could do if I were not me. Some people may think morphing into a tiger or lion and chasing down their foe and ripping them apart with their teeth is best. Not my style… to much blood and gore. Someone else may want to turn into a bee and sting the object of their anger. Not to smart there fella, bees die after they sting someone. I have put thought into what animal I would become, and I think I have a better choice than most: The elephant.

I am a fan of elephants even when I am not drunk with rage, but to be an elephant when the sky turns red and shakes with anger would be so incredibly cool! Elephants are huge animals that can easily trample individuals and cars. Why wreck your own car when you want to smash your ex-girlfriend’s car? Turn into an elephant and feel the rage inside yourself. J Elephants also have long and powerful trunks that can pick up the average size human. Why rent a crane and learn a new machine in order to pick up your boss and toss her into the grass? Just use your perfectly size elephant trunk to do the trick. Squeeze extra tight and watch her eyes bulge out from her body.

Let’s not even stop there! The elephant trunk has so many different features including a built in super-soaker, wrecking ball, and the ultimate gross out factor when you need to sneeze. Just dump that bad boy trunk into a pool of water and BAM! You have yourself the ultimate super soaker worthy of any water fight. I enjoy punching the random wall when drunk and angry, but I regret it when I wake up with a purple hand. However, if I am an elephant that has a powerfully strong trunk, I can either knock the wall down with it, or take out the object of my anger. I remember one time the soda machine took my last dollar two minutes before class started. I had just finished running on the track a few minutes earlier and was dehydrated with thirst. I wanted nothing more than to kill the machine which did not satiate my thirst and made me late to class. I would have given my left kidney in that moment to be able to turn into the wild beast and throw the machine down with the power of my trunk, then stamp the machine into the grown with my mighty legs.

The only downfall I see with my brilliant idea of turning into an elephant is that I might become more anger when I see a mouse and become scared. As a human, mice do not scare me. However, as Dumbo will tell you, elephants are scared of mice. However, my want to be an angry elephant > my elephant fear of mice.